Saturday, July 16, 2011

My Story

How did I give "birth" to Advent Birth Doula Services?

I have been a little obsessed with pregnancy, childbirth, etc for years.  It only grew with my two pregnancies as I watched many (too many) childbirth shows (A Baby Story, Maternity Ward, I didn't know I was pregnant, to name a few).  After trying for a natural birth (with help from a birthing coach), I failed as a result of a small pelvic structure, resulting in a c-section and a tramatic experience to boot.  I struggled for a few months after this and believe I suffered from post partum depression which was never diagnosed.  After these events, my passion grew stronger for what women endure during this time.  I have a friend who is a doula (birthing coach) and she has always encouraged me about the opportunity of becoming a doula.  I really didn't think much about it and figured my passion (or obsessiveness) with this amazing and ONLY God-given gift of child birth would diminish as I drifted farther from child bearing years!  The result of my c-sections and not being able to experience a natural/"normal" way of delivering a baby, only peeked my curiosity more.  Enter my friend..."J".  I had shared these feelings with her before she had her 3rd child.  Much to my surprise she offered me an opportunity of a lifetime - to be her support person when baby 3 arrived!  To make a long story short, it didn't work out for me to attend when baby 3 was born.  However, I was there and ready when baby 4 was born in December 2010....all part of God's plan and His perfect timing.  I enrolled in Doula courses in January of 2011 and had everything done within 8 weeks! 

While I'm not sure exactly what I want my business to look like, I am wanting the Lord to lead.  I have a strong desire to assist women in labor/child birth.  I certainly LOVE the idea of helping women that I know go through this experience.  I also have the desire to help women I don't know go through this not just on the birthing side, but on the Lord's side as well - being a disciple for Him.  What a way to minister of God's goodness, creation, mercy, salvation than through a birth of a child - a miracle?  If you have had a baby (and even if you haven't), you can't deny that ONLY God could have come up with something so detailed and miraculous as conception, pregnancy, and birth of a child.  The whole process is just completely mind boggling! 

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